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Expand your Business with Sortifi

This is the third part of our series detailing how Sortifi can help your professional organizing business. Our first post was about how it can save you time and the second was about creating more income. Now? Let’s chat about using Sortifi to expand your services and reach.

Create new services for multiple income streams
Ok, so perhaps you read our last post about increasing your virtual organizing fees by providing a more professional space plan and product shopping list through Sortifi and thought… I don’t offer virtual services! COVID-19 proved we could successfully do things we previously thought couldn’t be accomplished via video chat. Home organizing was one of those things. So, if you’re looking for an additional stream of income via a new service within your business, now’s the time to consider adding virtual or DIY sessions.

The cool thing about Sortifi is that it makes virtual organizing so much easier to achieve than in the past. You can include the exact dimensions of the space you’re working on with a client and the products you’re implementing as well. Not only will they have a precise picture of how to carry out adding containers and labels into the closet, cabinet, or drawer, but they will also be able to shop with their custom shopping list.

This also works the same way for DIY clients. If you help a client declutter, but they want to save money on the product installation phase, you can charge for your design time and give them a Sortifi plan and shopping list to complete the project themselves.

A further option to consider, especially if you’re looking to be less hands-on at this stage of your career, is to offer design services to other professional organizers. For example, if a colleague has an influx of clients requiring organizing design, but lacking the capacity to work on the designs, they can outsource this part to you. The important thing to note is that the other organizer must have a Sortifi subscription to be able to use it for their clientele.

Grow your business at a quicker speed
Other ways to expand your professional organizing business are to develop a team, hire additional team members, or delegate more tasks to the ones you already have. If you’re creating the space plan using Sortifi after performing a consultation for a new client, you can then trust your organizers to go out on their own to the session with full confidence. They’ve seen the plan and know the vision you have in mind for the client once you show them the design.

With your team going out more often on their own, you’re now able to book more clients each month which, in turn, brings in more revenue. You could also take a much-needed break if you’d like as well and relax knowing that your team is rocking their projects and clients are happy.

If someone on your team is looking to step up and take on some of the administrative work that comes with running an organizing business, Sortifi is an easy tool to teach them to use. They can be putting in the measurements and products for the design, creating less work for you at the end of the day.

Ready to finally try Sortifi to see how it’s transforming the professional organizing industry, and rocking your business? Use this link to sign up for the free trial and we can guarantee you’ll be hooked!